What is the Matrix?
What is the Matrix?
Well you might ask if it isn't a little too late to ask about something that old. Well my dear friend IMO the truth is, it is not old at all but it has always been there seemingly innocently enough. We all fail to notice it because we are so caught up in the mundane occurences of the "Society" which is nothing but the Matrix!! Think about it, I mean the way most of us spend our lives, without thinking, we are just like the Sentinels mechanically going about our daily grind like Robots, we hardly are conscious of anything else. We are so lost in our "own belief systems" that we are not even awake (conscious of the reality). So then what is reality you may ask. Again, think & you will find that the so called "society" & the so called "morals" that you have to abide by are all just illusions, myths created by our own demons over a period of time. I am not saying that we need to live without any sense of right & wrong. All that I am saying is we need to be more awake or conscious of what is ACTUALLY right & what is ACTUALLY wrong
While a lot of us are in a state of deep sleep (so caught up in the Matrix) that we are completely oblivious to reality, there are some of us who are just beginning to stir & out of those, some of us are still not ready to ask the right questions, so we drift back to sleep but maybe for a shorter duration. Those of us who are ready to ask the questions, we just open our eyes. When we do we will definitely be piqued by the fact that we were chasing a mirage. The "society" starts looking differently to us now & we realise that all those people who propounded the "beliefs" & the "morals" were/are actually spineless cowards, so they become the "Agents"...........