Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Just what the f**k is the matter with us? Have we completely flipped? We have important people hoisting the Tri Colour at Midnight!!! Then we have bloody two bit leaders hoisting the Tri Colour at half mast. Are we becoming cowards & ashamed of our contry? Are we mourning the fact that we have become "independent"? BTW, the people who hoisted the Tri Colour at midnight were nationally famous people. Doesn't anyone realise that the Tri Colour is to be hoisted only at dawn (or the stroke of it) & to be brought down at dusk? Then for GOD's sake, we had one news channel even covering this event & it was making a big deal of it. So does that mean even the media is not aware of the fact that it was wrong to hoist the Tri Colour at midnight? What kind of crap is this???