Just a change in perspective......
You tell a small child to not play in the mud. What do you think the child will do? EXACTLY the opposite. It will play in the mud. Why, if someone tells us ‘don’t think of a dog’ what do you think comes to our mind? Definitely, a dog. Of course, for each one of us it may be a different dog. For someone it may be a Labrador, for someone a street dog & so on, but still it will be the picture of a dog nevertheless. The point is, the more we focus on what we don’t want, the more we WILL keep getting it. Now why is this important for us to remember? The more we think of ABOLISHING corruption, the more it WILL persist. Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not in favour of giving bribes or whatever. In fact, I am of the strong opinion that all the corrupt ministers & bureaucrats must have their bloody b@!!$ chopped off with a knife & made to die a slow death. To quote a good friend of mine Sri Indroneil Mukherjee, corruption is not a thing by itself. We cannot fight it. Corruption is the absence of Integrity & Honesty. All that I am saying is our approach towards a cleaner country needs a slight shift in our perception. Instead of being against corruption, let us be in favour of integrity. Let us be in favour of honesty, let us be in favour of sincerity towards our jobs. Then automatically corruption will vanish.
So I humbly appeal to Sri Anna Hazare & the entire team that are fighting against corruption, I am FULLY in favour of your noble cause. I request you to change your perspective from ‘fighting against corruption’ to ‘fighting for honesty, integrity & sincerity’ then, I am sure you will win, we will win & the nation will definitely win.
Remember, the more we fight AGAINST something, the more it WILL persist…….