The Zahir. What can I say about it? Well, it is a wonderful book, no doubt about it. I must really thank my Guru (Teacher) for having recommended that book to me. What is that book about really? Well I was reading all about myself in that book (!!!) Although, the author may not even know that there is a guy by name Ashvin Bharadwaj he has actually written about what Ashvin Bharadwaj’s thought process is like & stuff. Even now, as I am writing this, it is not like I have thought of what exactly is to be written, I am just sitting in front of my computer & am typing out the words as they are coming out of my mouth.
As I was reading that book, I felt that I was reading about my own life through the author’s words. However as I was reading through the book, I realized that I there is a Zahir in my life too. With every page that I covered, I felt that I was on a journey into my own life. The hero is passionate about writing which is a form of art. I am passionate about music which is another form of art. I have just started listening to poetry & also want to be able to write poems like the author some time soon.
However, the book threw open to me a lot of questions which I have not been able to answer them to my satisfaction. I have attempted to answer some of them & have penned down my understanding of it. I hope you the esteemed reader will be able to tell me if I am on the right track (this is assuming that you have read the “The Zahir” by Paulo Coelho!!)
1) What is the voice?
I am sure, all of us at some time or the other while on a task have felt “something within” tell us to do that task in a particular way, or to do it differently or not do it & so on….. Is this the same voice? If yes then is this was Intuition is? If yes again, then when intuition is telling us of something negative then is that what premonitions are?
2) The universal love energy. What exactly is this?
Is this the bonding that any two humans feel for each other? If you see a person in trouble while you are going about your own business, you may want to stop for a moment & do what you can to help that person. Is this what the Universal Love Energy is all about?
3) Personal history.
Each of us has a lot of baggage that we lug around without even realizing its existence (??), is this what it is? Or, is it simply the story of our lives?
4) How does repeating a problem take it farther away from us?
Well the age old saying goes, “repeat a lie a hundred times& it becomes the truth”. Is the age old saying wrong? Well, technically it is not the fact of the lie actually becoming the truth. But when 3 or 4 generations of people have been conditioned to one kind of thinking (even if it is a lie), the subsequent generations definitely do all they can to protect, propagate & guard the “truth” w/o actually knowing that they are guarding a lie & are actually running away from the truth. Coming back to the question itself, if you repeat a story or a problem, with every repetition, it sits more & more strongly in your mind.
5) The other author’s views on Love & Marriage.
Sometime during the middle of the book, the author is looking for a magazine article on relationships & he comes across another author’s views on Love. She says something about love not being permanent & that marriage not being fulfilling. Now, when you marry a person you truly marry & truly love the person that you are married to, isn’t that feeling so complete?
6) Where does the tribe fit in?
The author goes with a few young people dressed as rock fans & stuff. Where exactly do they come into place in our journeys? Are they an indication that there will be in our journeys a lot of people wanting to embark on this journey with us but not exactly knowing the right direction to take?
7) What are interrupted stories?
All of us in our lives take a particular path & realize that, that is not the best path for us at one point of time or the other. Meaning that story although begun has no proper ending. Is this what it means?
8) Concept of choosing a name
Dos asks the author to choose a name, what is the significance of this? Is it that since you are being reborn as a person, it is best not to have any reminders of your previous way of living?
9) Dos says that Esther might move away………..
When the author expresses his disappointment over the fact that Esther might move away if she is not yet ready to meet him, Dos says that she is not obliged to stay there. Well what is the point? Distance increases the amount of love between two people. Here is the author coming searching for his wife who he love (& who loves him) after she has disappeared for a few years without telling him anything. So does she not really want to meet her man?
10) What is the presence?
All through this book there is a reference to this “presence”, what exactly is this? Why doesn’t everyone experience this?
11) The story of the dog & the doe.
Well usually the doe is always looked at as a symbol of gentleness (which is a feminine quality generally, which a male is not). The dog is a picture of aggression (which is a masculine quality & not generally a feminine quality), so why in this story is the comparison so & what is it’s significance.
These are some of the doubts that have come to me as I read that book. Also, I must mention a few reactions from my own side as I was reading the book. A lot of times I would feel my cheeks all warm & kind of flushed. Sometimes I would experience a slight pain in my head, (the same kind that I used to experience, while sitting & talking with my teacher or while watching the Matrix) As I was reading the book, with every page that I read, I would feel some kind of a fear beginning to form in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know what is happening to me here, I am all psyched out. I hope my Guru has a remedy for this.
As I was reading this I also started wondering:
Why am I doing this? Obviously to discover myself. But then why am I trying to discover myself??? Who am I???
Teacher I hope you will help me……….